Success Stories
All thanks to Dr. Berin! We are so thankful for all that she and the team did for us."

Dr. Berin is the absolute best! Here are my two IVF babies."

Dr. Berin, I am forever grateful for you! You always made me feel loved and supported. Your staff is just as amazing!"

Our rainbow babies Theo and Sterling! We are so incredibly thankful for Dr. Levine and the amazing people at FINJNY!"

We went through 3 unsuccessful IUIs and in January of 2015 we geared up for our 1st round of IVF. I had prepared myself the best I could and left it all up to Dr. Berin. It was a success! Our miracle was born in October of 2015, 1 day after our wedding anniversary. We had come full circle and we had Dr. Berin and her outstanding staff to thank. Dr. Berin herself is a star and a beacon of hope. Her staff is so outstanding and extremely important. They are the glue holding it all together. From the minute my husband and I walked in those doors we felt at home. The receptionist always knew our name and exactly where we were in our process. The nurses that were there before 6 am, even on the coldest and ugliest of mornings, always smiling and greeting you by name. They all made it so great that you forgot why you were sitting in a waiting room at 6 am with 20 other women. I will forever be thankful to Dr. Berin and her fabulous staff."

I am sharing the details of our story in hopes that it will give anyone thinking of starting this process some encouragement. My journey took just under 1 year (though it felt like much longer). I hope your journey to motherhood is a quick and healthy one. But if you run into some hiccups along the way, know that you are not alone. The road isn’t always straight forward and often comes complete with twists, turns, and bumps along the way. Like me, you may go home after some visits thinking “I will never get pregnant” but keep a positive attitude, stay focused and most importantly NEVER GIVE UP! We never gave up and we welcomed 2 beautiful baby girls into our lives. If you are reading this trying to decide whether to visit FINJ, please do yourself a favor and don’t think about it anymore–make the appointment. The support you will receive here is unlike anywhere else. The doctors and staff are really in this with you and you always feel like someone is in your corner. I can’t express in words how beneficial it was having the support of everyone in the office."

We are two women who were seeking a family. The team at Fertility Institute of NJ & NY helped make our dream come true. We wanted a child that was a physical part of both of us so we harvested my eggs and implanted the embryos into my wife's womb. Our first try was unsuccessful but we tried again and got 14 perfect embryos! We sadly lost our first baby in childbirth and returned to the Institute who welcomed us with open arms, kind hearts and a positive attitude to try again. We still had 12 embryos to use and we were again successful in getting pregnant and this time we were able to take our precious child home and have been in bliss ever since. We owe so much to everyone at the Fertility Institute who have given us the best care possible!"

We started our IVF journey on March 12, 2013. I have PCOS and don’t ovulate. We had tried on our own to get pregnant, unsuccessfully, for 7 years. We had made an appointment to see Dr. Levine after friends of ours recommended him. After going through my medical files, he suggested going straight to IVF because that was my best option. My embryo transfer was on April 17, 2013 and 9 days later, we received a phone call from a very ecstatic Dr. Levine telling us that we were pregnant! And on December 20, 2013, I gave birth to a beautiful and healthy 6lb 3oz baby boy! I still smile and get teary when I think about it. We will be eternally grateful to them for giving us the family we dreamed about."